At The Next Chapter Bookstore, we are more than just a place to buy books—we are a haven for book lovers and a hub for the community.

Founded by Rob and Krista, our bookstore has been built on a foundation of love for reading and a commitment to making a positive impact on the community we serve.

Our Story

The idea for The Next Chapter Bookstore began with a simple dream: to create a warm and welcoming space where people could immerse themselves in the magic of literature. Envisioning a place where people could explore new worlds, discover captivating stories, and find inspiration on every shelf, is what The Next Chapter Bookstore stands for!

While our brick-and-mortar dreams are still on the horizon, we have embarked on an exciting online journey to bring the joy of reading right to your fingertips.

What Makes Us Unique?

Despite being an online store, our commitment to serving the community remains unwavering. Giving back is at the core of our philosophy. The Next Chapter Bookstore proudly supports local charities, literacy programs, and educational initiatives. Every purchase you make at our online store contributes to these efforts, allowing us to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.

We’re currently supporting the International Book Project, whose core mission is to develop lasting partnerships with educators in underserved communities to provide books, promote literacy, and advance opportunity. We encourage you to learn more about them yourself and make a donation.

Find Your Next Adventure

Enter The Next Chapter Bookstore website, and you'll find yourself surrounded by an extensive collection of carefully curated titles that span a diverse range of genres. From classic literature that has stood the test of time to contemporary bestsellers making waves in the literary world, we ensure there's something to captivate every reader's heart.

Our online shelves are teeming with hidden gems and beloved classics alike. Whether you seek tales of daring adventures, poignant love stories, or thought-provoking non-fiction, we've thoughtfully selected books that kindle the imagination and inspire the mind.